If You Find a Lost Pet

Have you ever seen a dog or cat running loose on a busy street and feared for its safety? You may have tried to get it out of harm’s way…

What to do if you’ve lost your pet

If your pet does become lost, don’t delay. Take the following steps to help bring your companion animal home to safety. Act fast! Don’t waste days hoping your pet will…

Pets in Rental Housing

Approximately 6 million animals end up in shelters each year and moving-related issues are among the most common reasons for pet relinquishment. An extensive analysis based on 1.1 million classifiable…

Foreclosure Pets

The economy impacts everything — even pets. A growing number of animals are becoming victims of the economic downturn and the housing foreclosure crisis. Animal shelters, rescue groups and animal…

Pet Fire Safety

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that approximately 750 accidental home fires annually can be attributed to the actions of pets or wild animals. These incidents frequently involve everyday…